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Alfred 4 Powerpack V4 0 7 (1130)

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MacDrop Download Cracked Mac Apps and Games for Free, Updated Daily with all the Best Most Popular Mac Apps in the Mac App Store. Alfred 4 Powerpack 4.0.7 (1130) macOS 6 mb Alfred 4 Powerpack 4.0.7 (1130) is an award-winning app for Mac OS X which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion Alfred 4 Powerpack 4.0.7 (1129). Alfred 4.1.1 (1172) Cracked for macOS + Powerpack Lingki - October 1, 2020 0 Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion, and more.

Please note that the Change Log covers all changes including Powerpack-only features. To enjoy all that Alfred has to offer, be sure to buy a Powerpack license. :)

Alfred 4.1.2 pre-release

Build 1175, Tuesday 29th September 2020

  • Move clipboard / snippet viewer preview text to top left when text matches colour hex, for easier visual scanning while scrolling
  • Clearer error reporting when unable to obtain Alfred update data
  • Improve File troubleshooting messaging
  • Improve memory management in File System navigation summary panel

Alfred 4.1.1

Build 1172, Tuesday 1st September 2020

  • Dynamic Placeholders
    • Add in option on placeholder insertion popup menu to contextually turn off Dynamic Placeholder expansion
    • Improve help subtext in areas which use Dynamic Placeholders
  • Tweaks to Contacts integration to defend against unexpected data
  • Show custom URL scheme in contact viewer subtext when configured for selected field
  • File System Navigation
    • Fix unexpected exit when navigating up a folder level with typed text when already at the top level
    • Prevent double slash in search field when using AppleScript to tell Alfred to browse /
  • Update AppleScript action and browse actions to recognise URL file: paths and convert them accordingly
  • Improve reliability of tap modifier actions immediately after using a hotkey to show a pre-populated view, e.g. File Navigation
  • Update Snippet Collection naming error to correctly fit in sheet
  • Improve troubleshooting guide text

Alfred 4.1

Build 1167, Thursday 9th July 2020

Workflow Changes

  • Workflow editor rendering tweaks to significantly improve the UI performance with very large and complex workflows
  • Improve visibility of modifiers set on connections, especially when using light object colours
  • Updated Workflow Objects
    • Hotkey Trigger
      • The same hotkey combination can now be shared across multiple triggers matching different conditions
      • Added navigation to related hotkeys on the contextual popup menu for a hotkey trigger in the workflow editor
      • Prioritisation of shared hotkey to run, with the following priority:
        • In Focus match takes highest priority, e.g. Hotkey only when Safari in focus
        • Not in Focus takes secondary priority, e.g. Hotkey only when Spotify not in focus
        • Falls back to hotkey with no app specific focus configured
      • Hints shown in orange if a shared hotkey combination is in use
        • Hotkey Trigger object key combo background changes
        • Subtext under the hotkey field updates with warning
      • Show subtle grey background behind application icons on Hotkey Object in workflow editor where hotkey focus mode is set to 'don't have focus'
      • Copy and Paste of object (or object configuration) now also retains the hotkey combo
        • Note that this will naturally create a conflict which you will have to manually resolve
    • Script Filter Input
      • Fix Run Behaviour sheet 'Reset to Defaults' button to also reset the 'Argument' section
    • Copy to Clipboard Output
      • Fixed to now correctly use clipboardtextrtf property from passed-in JSON config
      • Reorganise internal logic to enable plain text clipboard output to be derived from passed-in RTF from JSON config
        • Only save either clipboardtext or clipboardtextrtf into the configuration
        • Fixes automatic {cursor} positioning with mismatching rtf / plain text
    • Arg / Var Utility
      • Add option to 'pass through' the input argument, allowing for array objects (e.g. list of files) to pass through unprocessed
      • Clarify the help subtext in the configuration sheet
  • New Workflow Objects
    • File Buffer Action
      • Added new workflow action to interact with Alfred's File Buffer
    • Action in Alfred Action
      • Added new workflow action to show Alfred's actions panel for the passed in file
    • File Utility
      • Tests if file exists and outputs on one of two outputs accordingly
      • Option to also output the UTI for the file as a variable
        • This could be useful for subsequent branching using a Conditional
  • New Workflow Object Inbound Configuration
    • Access using the 'Inbound Configuration..' popup menu for the selected object
    • External trigger identifiers can now be directly set on external objects
      • Conflicts are now checked between the External Trigger object, and any external identifiers set
    • You now have control over how a downstream input object presents its results between Direct and Keyword modes
      • Direct mode is the previous behaviour, where the input icon is placed to the right hand side and you see no keyword
      • Keyword mode places the input into Alfred's default results and sets it as unique (same as pressing return on a placeholder)
    • Workflow objects represent the presence of an external identifier with small hint on object input in Workflow editor
      • Double click the hint for faster subsequent access to the inbound configuration
      • The icon for both External Trigger and Call External have been tweaked to match the new hint
  • Fix internal variable types in workflow editor framework
  • Added 'Filter Workflows by..' on the popup menu for workflow objects in the canvas for hotkeys and keywords
    • Makes it easier to find workflows with similar hotkeys and keywords
  • Standardise how an array of arguments is shown in the workflow debugger
  • Improve various subtexts throughout the workflow object configuration sheets

Snippets and Clipboard

  • Snippets can now embed other snippets using the {snippet:} placeholder
    • Placeholder works in all expected places, for example, the Copy to Clipboard workflow output object
    • Note that nesting is only one level deep
    • Added a 'Copy Placeholder' on the popup menu for a selected snippet to copy the relevant {snippet:} placeholder
  • Improve text placeholder framework
    • Improved processing efficiency by deriving plain text content from already-processed rich text content where applicable
    • more consistent behaviour between clipboard objects
    • Fixes issue where the snip keyword wasn't correctly processing rich text placeholders
  • Fix Snippet keyword to correctly respect the 'Auto-paste on Return' option
  • Option to ignore org.nspasteboard.AutoGeneratedType in the Clipboard History Advanced preferences, enabled by default


  • Multiple Contact Actions can now be configured with modifier keys
    • Contact Actions editor sheet now correctly shows 'Add' or 'Save' button instead of just 'Add'
      • Set the Add / Save button shortcut to be ⌘S
    • Action text at bottom of Contact Viewer now updates on mod key change to provide action hint
  • Improve the 'type to search' in the Contacts Viewer
    • You can now press up and down to select the previous or next match for the typed filter
  • Trim around name components when creating full name


  • Added alternative ⌘↩︎ action to open the selected 1Password bookmark in 1Password instead of Open and Fill


  • Start process of adding interactive troubleshooting built into Alfred's Help preferences to aid fixing common issues
    • Also add help links to key troubleshooting help pages
  • Troubleshooting is written to a Report file, for easy emailing and subsequent support
  • File Search
    • Run a number of diagnostic checks on a dragged in file to work out why it isn't being found

General fixes and improvements

  • Fix Alfred using (and consuming) up/down key events when IME panel is showing (e.g. Pinyin selection panel)
    • Note that this fix is more of a 'workaround' to a lack of Public API to officially support this
  • Recognise full width space U+3000 as an activator for Alfred's quick file search mode
  • Show Base32 decoded data wherever dyn.a UTI types are seen, to give better idea of content
  • Fix making selected result unique in Alfred's default results if input is configured to be 'no space'
    • Alfred was immediately disassociating the unique result due to incorrect logic
  • Fix Music feature description text in Catalina to correctly say instead of iTunes
  • Fix Dark / Light mode appearance of descriptive text in macOS Rebuild Metadata sheet
  • Make the snip keyword's subtext more succinct for Copy or Paste text, showing more of the snippet content
  • Fully resolve [local] symlinks and aliases when using Quick Look, to see the file contents instead of the file icon
  • Fix twitter web search icon colour
  • File Buffer Improvements
    • Show 'x+ items' to top left of Buffer when the number of visible items exceeds the available visible space
    • Correctly re-draw the buffer when additional items are added and removed beyond the visible window width
  • Add a - button to delete selected custom web searches in the Web Search preferences
  • Show version number for Application bundles in preview panels (e.g. file system navigation, action panel)
  • Improve VoiceOver accessibility for hotkey fields, now correctly reads newly inputted hotkey

Alfred 4.0.9

Build 1144, Friday 20th March 2020

Alfred Powerpack Free

macOS Catalina improvements

  • Add potential workarounds to Catalina screen coordinates bug making Alfred's window appear temporarily outside of the visible viewport when connecting a second display
  • Correctly locate Desktop backgrounds to display in Alfred's theme editor on Catalina
  • Update Workflow templates sub-menu from iTunes to on Catalina

UX and General fixes

  • Update build environment to Xcode 11
  • Add in Workflow list filter option to only show disabled Workflows
  • Fix event threading issues in Snippet Manager which can cause unwanted Alfred behaviour with Snippet Expansion enabled when using fn+arrow keys
  • Fix edit Snippet and Snippet Collection edit sheets to correctly show if Alfred's preferences window doesn't have focus when selecting the context menu item

Alfred 4.0.8

Build 1135, Friday 17th January 2020

  • Add finding and opening AirDrop, Network, Computer and iCloud Drive natively into Default Results for Mojave and above
  • Fix play/pause command subtext to correctly read instead of iTunes on Catalina
  • Update an Advanced > Modifier option from 'Search with Spotlight' to 'Search with Finder' to better reflect the actual behaviour
  • Music
    • Update Alfred Remote iTunes example page to better reflect in Catalina
    • Update Workflow iTunes command actions to show as Music command actions in Catalina
  • Web Searches
    • Update LinkedIn search URL in default web search
    • Update broken Weather Underground search URL to Google Weather search
  • File Actions
    • Add 'Browse Folder in Alfred' for files to browse the folder of the selected file
  • File Buffer
    • Check if files exist before showing Alfred to ensure defunct files aren't shown
      • Note that files prefixed with /Volumes/ aren't included in the check to avoid potential delays in displaying Alfred

Alfred 4.0.7

Build 1131, Tuesday 17th December 2019

  • Fix Workflow List Filter initial loading of icons in configuration sheet
  • Work around potential macOS Catalina address book caching issue in Alfred's contact viewer
  • Fix dragging Alfred window from hat incorrectly performing action on older versions of macOS
  • Workflow Improvements
    • Dispatch Key Combo output
      • Update Dispatch Key Combo output with option to interpret input argument for dispatch
      • Add workflow debug logging when key combination cannot be dispatched
    • Fix regression to gracefully correctly remove workflow variable when setting name to empty in Environment Variables and Arg/Var utility
  • Back out default file search sorting from 4.0.4 due to potential performance issues under certain circumstances
  • Update Welcome / Migration logic to more gracefully handle a backup on old Mac then restore to brand new Mac

Alfred 4.0.6

Build 1124, Friday 8th November 2019

  • iTunes Mini Player
    • Update Music API Parser in Catalina to include remote music
    • Momentarily hide Mini Player in transition between indexing and player views for first reindex in a session, allowing macOS permission dialog to show if necessary
  • Update Rotten Tomatoes web search to use %20 instead of + for spaces
  • When saving a clipboard entry as a snippet from Alfred's clipboard viewer with ⌘S, select 'Auto expansion allowed' by default
  • Internal Search
    • Wider, more flexible word based matching for internal searches
    • If searching for a disabled workflow, and disabled workflows have been hidden in Alfred's workflow preferences, show the hidden workflows so workflow can be selected
    • If searching for a hidden remote page, and hidden remote pages have been hidden in Alfred's remote preferences, show the hidden pages so the page can be selected
    • Show 'disabled' or 'hidden' in subtext of relevant internal searches
    • Add ?diagnostics as shortcut to Diagnostics.. button in Help preferences
  • Fix 'Try Searching the Preferences' text in help tab for earlier versions of macOS
  • Tweaks to the 'Rebuild macOS Metadata' in Alfred's Advanced preferences
    • Update help text to inform about .Spotlight-V100 folder, and Terminal needing Full Disk Access
    • Fix .Spotlight-V100 folder location in macOS Catalina
  • Work around Catalina bug in popup menu for custom workflow object colour selection
  • Update 'Waiting for results..' text to 'Waiting for results from macOS..' for the rare occasion when Alfred is waiting on file search results

Alfred 4.0.5

Build 1118, Tuesday 15th October 2019

  • Clean Alfred's application cache in macOS Catalina on first launch to prevent stale duplicate cache entries from macOS upgrade
  • Show macOS Catalina firmlinked applications as being located in /Applications/
  • Fix Dutch snippet date placeholder localisations
  • Prevent incorrect 'home folder' warning message when unticking Applications Folder from Alfred's default search scope
  • Calculator
    • Fix 4.0.4 regression in calculator where introducing x as multiply prevented hexadecimal calculations from working, pre-4.0.4 behaviour is now reinstated
    • If you would like to use x for multiplication, you can use the following command in
      • defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences calculatorXAsMultiply -bool true
  • Workflow Import
    • Fix import sheet variable edits being committed to variables table for newly imported workflows
    • Commit any active edit when import button is pressed, e.g. ensuring a variable is saved if mid-edit and import / update pressed
  • iTunes Mini Player
    • Disable Library XML field in Alfred's iTunes Advanced preferences in macOS Catalina, as this is no longer needed

Alfred 4.0.4

Build 1111, Friday 13th September 2019

  • File Search
    • Force default sort order to file metadata query to ensure most relevant results before Alfred has accumulated internal knowledge
      • You should see a significant improvement to Alfred's default ranking of results, and more relevant file search results presented
      • This resolution has been needed in the past due to changes in the underlying macOS metadata, and has now been added permanently
    • Tweak to File Filter to allow * as the Metadata field. Allows for wide arbitrary matching of multiple metadata fields if used with Words and Split options selected
    • Fix regression where application alt names words were not being matched, important for non-English app searching in English from mid string e.g. 'monitor' to match 'Activity Monitor'
    • Split /Applications (and /System/Applications) from Default Results search scope into separate checkbox to prevent accidental, confusing removal, and to future-proof for Catalina
    • Add Catalina iCloud Drive location to default search scope (select 'reset' to get default scope paths if they have been customised)
      • Note: This location seems to be changing throughout the Catalina Beta, so further changes may be needed
    • Correctly abbreviate files in home folder and iCloud in Catalina instead of showing full System Volume path
    • Only show iCloud Drive once in file search result subtext for files in the top level iCloud Drive folder
  • Add warning at startup when a sync folder is set but the preferences are missing from that folder (e.g. a Volume not currently mounted)
  • Fix Snippet 'snip' keyword to correctly use rich text snippets
  • Fix 'Email To..' file action in macOS Catalina (Thanks to Alfred user Vitor from our Forum)
  • Switch default ordering of the clipboard history 'clear' keyword results to be chronological
  • Tweak some workflow debug messaging
  • Increase arbitrary URL recognition limit from 500 to 4096 characters
  • Fix text in welcome message from 'to to' to 'to do'
  • Recognise .alfred4workflow file type for importing workflows
  • Calculator
    • Recognise x as multiplication
    • Update calculator to ignore basic calculations if prefixed with a permissible character but an unrecognised character sequence
  • File Actions
    • Ensure that scope folders (e.g. Desktop) are correctly found when searching for a folder in Actions such as 'copy to' and 'move to'
    • Prevent hang when prefixing a search term with ~ in the 'copy to' and 'move to' actions
  • iTunes Mini Player
    • Close Mini Player database before moving newly indexed database into position
    • Ensure that top level results divider line is only drawn in the Mini Player when needed
    • Improve artist / album counting during indexing
    • Catalina improvements
      • Fix Alfred Mini Player to work with macOS Catalina
      • Update music data importing to use macOS API (in place of XML)
      • Show 'Music' in place of 'iTunes' for Alfred feature preferences and default results

Alfred 4.0.3

Build 1092, Thursday 4th July 2019

  • Contacts Viewer improvements
    • Add 'type to select' for fast selection of the item to highlight
      • Search based on item type, for example, show a contact and type 'twitter' to highlight the twitter item
      • Searching also works on content, for example, search for part of an address to highlight
  • Theming
    • Ensure Alfred's main window is correctly reconfigured the first time showing after a theme edit
    • Redraw theme position control on showing theme options to ensure correctly selected theme is shown
    • Refine Alfred's window snap repositioning calculation when dragging Alfred to a new position
    • Ensure the dark mode set theme is correctly pre-selected when launching preferences into the Appearance tab when in dark mode
    • Add option to use native macOS Dark Mode window rendering (for dark borders, and dark language popovers)
  • Switch to localised standard compare when sorting files in Alfred's file system navigation
    • Gives Finder like sort order, e.g. 1, 2, 10, 20
  • Workflow improvements
    • Open URL Action
      • Trim URL when validating or saving in Open URL workflow object to match underlying behaviour
    • Split Utility
      • Fix issue where config UI incorrectly greys out Save button preventing subsequent edits
      • Fix tabbing between fields in config UI
      • Improve behaviour of splitting, now also allowing for space delimiting
      • Allow empty delimiter, which will set output variable to the input argument
    • Update the built-in Google Suggest and Amazon Suggest workflow examples to use argv script mode, and use updated suggestion URLs
  • Trim the typed argument for Alfred's ? internal search in Alfred's default search
  • Make sure Alfred's Large Type display correctly closes when using a Hide Alfred workflow utility object after a Large Type output object.
  • Show error if unable to write license file on activating Powerpack from Alfred's Powerpack preferences tab
  • Improved encoding when opening the Dictionary URL from the define keyword, allowing for single quotes

Alfred 4.0.2

Build 1088, Monday 17th June 2019

  • Fix spelling in Preview feature, 'masOS' to 'macOS'
  • Fix spelling in Welcome migration step, 'Copy Prefererences' to 'Copy Preferences'
  • Fix incorrect word in Welcome migration log, 'Migrating remove' to 'Migrating remote'
  • Fix Preferences internal search results position when preferences window is in full screen mode
  • Fix variable substitutions in Copy to Clipboard Workflow output object when mode is set to Rich Text
  • Add missing JSON configuration interface for v4 changes in Large Type workflow object
  • Improve Alfred's border rendering in macOS Dark Mode
  • Add in additional Usage Description request texts in info.plist
  • Improve File Filter workflow object file search query formulation when {var:varname} substitutions are used in the fields
  • Change the way Alfred displays the version and build number to remove the b for build
  • Update eject commands to correctly eject after unmounting
  • Allow Alfred's main window to be also repositioned on screen by dragging the hat
  • URL recognition
    • Add option for default URL scheme when no scheme specified on typing URL into Alfred, http or https, defaults to https
    • Correctly recognise all valid characters for URL scheme, allowing for x- based schemes
  • v3 Regression fixes
    • Fix showing result in default results when result has empty title and subtext
      • Tweak allowing direct input to e.g. Keyword Input with no title / subtitle to show clean input box with no results, but still allow actioning / mod-actioning
    • Fix missing 'Write Text File' subtext on workflow object
  • Dark Mode
    • Fix dark mode for Alfred's Remote Server config sheet
    • Make nearly black and nearly white in rich text editors convert to the controlTextColor to be dark mode compatible and to match pasting into e.g. or
  • macOS Catalina changes
    • Added /System/Applications/ to Alfred's default search scope (note, you'll have to add this manually if you have previously customised the search scope)
    • Update how Alfred discovers application icons for features such as Calculator and Dictionary
    • Update Alfred Remote example pages to correctly discover applications
  • Prepare for Alfred 4 corporate licensing

Alfred 4.0.1

Build 1078, Thursday 30th May 2019

  • Fix Welcome Window backup and migration logs to correctly show bright text in dark mode
  • Add additional nil checking into internal search

Alfred 4.0

Build 1076, Wednesday 29th May 2019

General changes

  • Change bundle id to 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred' for now and future
    • Future proofs major versions which will now share macOS App Support, cache folders etc
    • Removes name dependency when using AppleScript to call Alfred, now you can use tell application id 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred' to search
    • Note: Also added a 'Show Alfred' workflow object which should be used where possible instead of AppleScript call backs
  • Add 'Welcome' window when first launching Alfred
    • Pre-activation of Powerpack
    • Settings backup and migration of older preferences
    • Configure macOS permissions
  • Hardened runtime support for macOS
  • Improved, higher performance application caching for Alfred's file search
  • Prevent multiple copies of Alfred from running if, for example, a workflow accidentally attempts to re-launch Alfred as a new process
  • Hotkey display will now track the current keyboard layout (i.e. ⌘L in British layout will now correctly show ⌘N when switching the keyboard to Dvorak)
  • Improve secondary-view input field / selection list text copy behaviour to match Alfred's main search field
    • E.g. allows for copy partial selected search term, or partial selected summary text from clipboard history viewer without overriding with 'copy entire item' action
  • Show correct fallback text when query is dynamically updated, for example, pressing = after a calculation to equate the answer
  • Make 'alfred preferences' correctly match result to show Alfred's preferences in Alfred's default results
  • Standardise big hat drawing between Workflows and Remote preferences when no workflow or page is selected
  • Make QuickLook previews change dynamically when changing result item in Alfred's Default Results and File System Navigation
  • Migrate and modernise many icons into PaintCode
  • Show 'this does nothing' notification when double clicking an alfredpreferences file
  • Fix locale and macOS language discovery to correctly format dates
    • Fix applies to all places where dates can be used, e.g. Snippets, Workflow placeholders, Contacts
  • Update mechanism for storing and reading preferences sync folder to prefs.json in Alfred's Application Support folder
    • JSON contains 'current' value, written at startup to help external scripts find Alfred's preferences if synced
    • Note, for the time being, the syncfolder is still written to the preferences plist for workflow libraries which may rely on this
  • Migrate remaining http links to https (to force encryption where unspecified)
    • e.g. Contact URLs, Workflow website, Remote page examples, 1Password, user proxy settings
    • Also certain labels throughout the preferences now correctly show https


  • Overhaul to Alfred's Preferences
    • Easier to find preferences, and discover new features
    • New look with Dark Mode support
    • Performance improvements throughout
    • Consistency / layout refinements throughout
  • Moved Application options from Advanced into Default Results feature
    • Added option to ignore app keyword metadata, now disabled by default due to strange Spotlight 'SEO' practices by 3rd party apps
  • Updated Features list order for improved relevance
    • Moved Clipboard and Snippets higher in feature list, renamed Clipboard feature to Clipboard History
    • Moved File Preview options from File Search into a top level Feature for better relevance and discoverability
  • Ask for confirmation when resetting the default search scope, and if reset, also default to including folders in home
  • Improved error reporting when workflows, snippets and snippet collections can't be moved to trash (e.g. due to a permissions issue)
  • The previously selected feature is remember and reselected if the preferences is re-opened within 12 hours
  • Added easier access to macOS Permissions in Alfred's General preferences
    • Add an example image of what to expect in the macOS Permissions preferences
  • When adding fallback triggers, grey out triggers which have already been added so they can't be added twice
  • Clean up General preferences tab, moving the Alfred Remote download link to the Remote tab

Preferences Search

  • New search framework allowing for searching throughout Alfred's features
  • Added search in Alfred's Preferences (accessible with ⌘F) to find and select preferences
    • Searching for 'hotkeys' will show all configured hotkeys
    • Searching for 'keywords' will show all configured keywords
  • Add ⌘F to disallowed hotkeys for OS and Preferences consistency. This is now used throughout Alfred's Preferences for the 'Find' function
  • Added new '?' keyword to search and open Alfred's Preferences directly from Alfred's main search box
  • When searching for a workflow object, the workflow selected object can now be opened in the canvas by pressing return


  • Rich text snippets
    • Rich text snippets, editable within the snippets editor
    • Automatic link detection in snippet editor, allowing for links in snippets
    • Rich text enabled snippets are prefixed with a asterisk in the snippet list
  • Snippets searchable from Alfred's preferences search for quick editing
  • Snippet sound improvements
    • Separated text expansion 'play sound' option into individual options for Snippets and Workflow Snippet Triggers
    • Option to select the sound you'd like to play when expansion happens, including dropping custom sounds in
    • Sound now played after the expansion (instead of before) for improved latency
  • Improve user experience when creating first snippet with no collections created
    • A new 'Default Collection' is automatically created
    • Update table edit snippet buttons behaviour to always allow for adding snippets


Improved Workflow debugger

  • Concurrent debugging across all workflows with filtering down to individual workflows / selected objects
  • Interactive navigation with clickable links in debugger taking you to relevant source objects in Workflow editor
    • Uses alfredpreferences: URL scheme allowing for links to be copied and used externally
  • Add ⌘D to toggle Debugger when in workflow editor
  • Copy button now copies both plain and RTF versions of the debugger to the pasteboard
  • Debugger remains enabled when switching between workflows, and switching away from Workflows tab
  • Size and visibility of debugger is remembered per session when switching / closing / opening workflows
  • Make stderr messages turquoise unless the script exited with non 0 code
  • Fix error logging from Run Script to separate stderr and error
  • Truncate log messages over 100k characters to prevent poor workflow debugger performance
  • Make {allvars} in the debugger correctly show unicode values
  • Change the debug distributed message type so Alfred 3 doesn't see Alfred 4 debug messages

New Workflow objects

  • Conditional Utility
    • If / else if / else conditional with single input and multiple outputs
    • Simplifies workflow stream flow
    • Adds greater than / less than comparison, where input and match strings are evaluated as integers
    • Drag reorder of conditions
  • Split Utility
    • Split the single passed in query argument by a given delimiter, into multiple variables
  • Random Utility
    • Generate a random UUID
    • Generate a random number with optional range
    • Pick a random word in a given list
      • Words are trimmed, and empty strings are removed
  • Show Alfred
    • A simple utility to show Alfred's window with some text
    • Where possible, this should be used within a workflow instead of AppleScript to re-show Alfred as a 'new window'
  • Browse In Terminal
    • Simple action to browse the specified or passed in path in (or custom Terminal specified in Features > Terminal)
    • Will work with multiple passed in paths, for example, Hotkey file selection (multiple files selected) > Browse in Terminal

Improvements and new features for existing Workflow objects

  • Hotkey Trigger
    • Added the Find Pasteboard to the available Argument sources
      • Allows for simple integration into the macOS Find Pasteboard (Note that you can use ⌘E in a Mac app to add the current selection to the Find Pasteboard)
  • External Trigger
    • Update generated example AppleScript to show new application bundle id
  • Snippet Trigger
    • Small tweak to Snippet Trigger object warning text (when Auto Expansion is disabled) to ensure it's not truncated
  • Keyword Input
    • Removed constraint on title needing to be filled to save object
    • Change 'required' in Keyword placeholder text to 'Recommended'
    • Updated fixed inputs (e.g. a hotkey wired into a keyword input) to show a simple Alfred input box with no results when the keyword Input has no title and subtitle
  • Script Filter Input
    • Added option to not set argv when query is empty (under 'Run Behaviour' button)
      • This will be the default behaviour for newly created Script Filter objects. Current objects will be set to pass an empty string to prevent regression issues.
  • File Filter Input
    • Added result sorting options: Alfred's Knowledge (default), Created Date, Last Modified Date
    • Added option to set the result limit from between 10 and 200 (use larger values with care as this can cause file search performance issues)
    • Variable placeholders can now be used in the Fields > Search Fields > Value column for easier dynamic creation of file filters (would previously necessitate a JSON Config utility)
  • Filter Utility
    • 'Ignoring Case' option now also available to Regex matches
    • Add {query} placeholder string on config input field to reinforce default value, set default value to empty
    • Marked as 'Legacy Object', recommending the use of the 'Conditional Utility' instead
  • Replace Utility
    • Added additional options for Regex option
      • Added option for Case Insensitive matching
      • Added option for Multi-line which causes ^ and $ to match the beginning / end of each line instead of beginning / end of whole string
  • Play Sound Utility
    • Ability to drop a new audio file into the configuration sheet to configure with this sound. The sound is copied into the workflow folder on saving.
    • No longer limited to m4a and aif files, will also accept others sound types as mp3
  • Copy to Clipboard Output
    • Added rich text support with RTF editing directly within the config
  • Large Type Output
    • Added styling options for font, colours and alignment
    • Added background fill selection and fade in speed
  • Reveal in Finder Action
    • Added config UI allowing for configuration of passed in path, including static paths
  • Transform Utility
    • Rename Camel Case transform to Capital Case to better match operation and placeholders
Alfred 4 Powerpack V4 0 7 (1130)

Placeholder syntax enhancements

  • Placeholders improved with standardised syntax {placeholder:variation.modifier}
    • Added trim transform modifier to trim newlines and white space from the placeholder
    • Added reverse transform modifier to reverse the placeholder
    • Added stripdiacritics transform modifier to remove accented characters from the placeholder
    • Added stripnonalphanumeric transform modifier to remove any non-alphanumeric characters such as punctuation or emoji from the placeholder
    • Added capitalcase transform as alternative to capitals for consistency
    • Transform modifiers are now also available to variables and clipboard history items e.g.
      • For variable named result, transform to uppercase using {var:result.uppercase}
      • For a historic clipboard item, trim using {clipboard:2.trim}
    • Transforms can now be stacked, e.g. {var:result.trim.uppercase} or {clipboard:trim.stripdiacritics}
    • As with Alfred 3, use {clipboard} for current clipboard contents, and {clipboard:0} for latest item from Clipboard History
    • Variables names should take the format [A-Za-z0-9_]. This is now correctly warned against with orange highlight in the Arg/Var Utility and Workflow Environment Variables
    • Updated in-app placeholder examples and help subtext to use updated syntax

General Workflow improvements

  • Fix default workflow list configuration to show creator
  • New 'random' dynamic placeholder, available in many areas of Alfred such as snippets and the arg/var utility
    • {random:UUID} for a random uuid
    • {random:1.5} for a random number between 1 and 5. These numbers can be omitted for min / max integer range
    • {random:cheese,apple,biscuits} for a random word from the specified list of words
  • Show an error sheet when the workflow being imported is invalid rather than failing silently
  • Tweaks to workflow icons
  • Added an option to 'Export Metadata' for a workflow as a json file
  • Fix issues which may occur when duplicating a workflow
    • Clear bundle id for newly duplicated workflow to prevent two workflows with the same bundle id
    • Fallback Triggers with matching underlying UIDs in different workflows no longer cause an issue
  • Standardise default placeholder behaviour when {query} based input fields are empty
    • e.g. OpenURL will now accept an empty URL field and assume {query}
    • Improved descriptive placeholder text instead of just {query}
  • Change order of workflow canvas top right buttons to Variables, Remote Pages, Export, Debug
  • New Workflow Export sheet
    • Important workflow fields can be verified and amended before exporting workflow
    • Enable 'Hide Extension' option in Workflow Export save dialog (the selected preference is persisted)
  • New Workflow Import sheet
    • Workflow environment variables are now presented and editable on import
  • Framework tweak to facilitate more robust retain / release cycle for injected workflow into workflow objects
    • More reliable snippet trigger decommissioning and dealloc when deleting a workflow
  • Fix Remote Page config layout in features and workflow sheet to be consistent (and not have white line to left in workflow sheet)
  • If no scheme is defined for workflow website, default to https when opening site from arrow
  • Show variables in orange as warning in workflow object configuration (e.g. Snippet Trigger, Hotkey Trigger, Split Utility) when variable format isn't correct
  • Add AppleScript for force reloading of a workflow by the given UID (folder name), or Workflow Bundle ID
    • e.g. tell application id 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred' to reload workflow 'workflow-folder-name'
    • Reports error when workflow isn't found by UID or Bundle ID
  • Workflow mod connection improvements
    • Workflow Connections
      • Modifier combinations can now be selected in the connection configuration sheet
      • Canvas now shows modifier characters on connections to better accommodate compound mods
      • Modded characters are rendered slightly larger, and background box is more rounded for non-vetoed connections
    • Script Filter
      • Add compound mod overrides for script filters. Use a + in the JSON for mode than one mod, e.g. cmd+shift
      • Recognise old and updated Apple terminology for mod key definitions in returned JSON e.g. option or alt, ctrl or control, cmd or command


  • Actions moved out from File Search feature into own feature
  • Fixed result limit when searching in Open With, Copy/Move actions to match the shared result limit in Features > File Search
  • Updated underlying 'Open Terminal Here' action to open the passed folder/item in Terminal app directly rather than using AppleScript
    • Make 'Open Terminal Here' file action work with multiple files (e.g. from the Buffer)


  • Automatic macOS Mojave Dark Mode support
    • Alfred will now remember the themes you have set in dark and light mode for automatic theme switching
  • New theme editor
    • Editing guides while moving the mouse around to see what is being edited and sized
    • Clarified dynamic help text while editing a theme
    • Added ability to select font variations based off of the currently selected font (e.g. bold, italic)
    • Added macOS Font Collections to the font popup menu, allowing access to both system and user created font collections
  • Re-written Alfred's font rendering engine, allowing for more predictable font vertical alignment with obscure fonts
  • Fix theme editor theme list to be case insensitive sorted
  • Fix search box height sizing calculation (with certain fonts e.g. Avenir)
    • Note that imported v3 themes may have decreased vertical padding around the search field depending on font (this padding can be added readjusted in the theme editor)
  • Added new default themes, tweaked current themes for consistency


  • You can now cmd+return on a contact in Alfred's default results to perform the alternate opening action
    • If you have contacts configured to open in Alfred, cmd+return will open them in
    • If you have contacts configured to open in, cmd+return will open them in Alfred
  • Ensure Alfred correctly hides after opening a contact in macOS Contacts app using ⌘O


  • Updated the Clipboard Snippets object to work with Rich Text, including inserting RTF snippets
  • Tweak the remote prefs no-page selected background colour (Note that further changes are due on this)

System Commands

  • Improvements to Eject and Eject All
    • Updated method of unmounting 10.11+
      • Predictably unmounts individual mounts on a single device
      • If the volume is encrypted, it is relocked after being unmounted
      • Error reporting now shows more details, such as which app is currently preventing a volume from being ejected
    • Blacklisting
      • Volumes in the eject blacklist can now be edited by double clicking on them
      • The volume blacklist can now contain wildcards (and simple character classes) e.g. [Bb]ackup*
      • Added* to default volume blacklist
      • Add 'Reset' button for eject blacklist in Features > System preferences

File System

Alfred Powerpack Keygen

  • Added dynamic sorting of files to file system navigation
    • Sort by name, creation date and last modified date
    • Option to always sort Folders to the top
    • Sort ascending and descending (click arrow button, or use ⇧⌘S shortcut)
    • ⇧⌘, shows the popup menu for sort options to allow for sort configuration directly from the keyboard
    • Showing and hiding the navigation preview panel shortcut is performed with ⇧⌘I
  • Update to File Search workflow object for significantly more flexibility, see workflow changes
  • When searching for a 'documents' folder, append the iCloud container name for Document folders within iCloud
  • Update Alfred's File Metadata Querier framework to work more consistently with the new {var:..} placeholder ability
    • Now treating variables in the same way {query} is treated
    • Remove default query fallback, as it's no longer relevant
    • User defined scope folders are now not manually parsed / included into results under certain scenarios:
      • A filter where a constant string value defined for a field which isn't 'display name' or 'alternative name' won't include scope folders in the filter's results
      • Any filter fields which are marked as 'not' won't be included in the scope folder search
  • Improvements to File Buffer
    • Show symbol against a result in Alfred's default results and file system navigation when it is added to the buffer
    • Update ⌥↑ shortcut key to toggle item in the buffer, instead of just add
    • Add shortcut help text to tooltip when hovering over buffer item
    • Make Alfred File Buffer aware of drop 'move' operations, and remove files out of the Buffer on drop when the path is no longer valid
    • Fix File Buffer to predictably show hover-over information on initial mouse over
  • Overhaul drag and drop of files out of Alfred to now better conform to modern macOS behaviour

Web Searches

  • Default to https prefix for non-prefixed URLs typed into Alfred's main window
  • Removed optional HTTPS on system web searches, always forced to HTTPS now.
  • Custom search improvements
    • Added 'Lookup..' button to attempt to automatically look up the specified website hosts using OpenSearch or SearchAction
      • Lookups can only occur for https domains. if no scheme is typed, Alfred will assume https
      • Useful keyboard shortcuts in the Custom Search panel for fast adding of custom searches without the mouse
  • Web searches searchable in Alfred's preferences search
  • Updated system web search icons to more modern equivalents

Large Type

  • Fix font vertical alignment issues with certain fonts
  • Make large tight text slightly less tight to the edge of the screen
  • Configurable Large Type workflow output object


  • Update calculator to recognise ÷ as divide symbol


  • When activating the Powerpack, if unnecessary additional text is pasted into the fields, try to discover and extract the email address and Powerpack code
    • Warn user on certain 'known' mistypings in email address by highlighting in orange, for example:

Alfred 4 Powerpack 4.0.7 (1130)

Alfred is an award-winning app for Mac OS X which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.

Search and Browse
Launch applications and find files on your Mac or on the web. Alfred learns how you use your Mac and prioritises results.
Save countless hours by using hotkeys, keywords and customising how you want to search your Mac and activity history.
Jump in and browse, preview files and take action on them without lifting your fingers off the keyboard.

Type Less, Say More
With Alfred's Clipboard History and Snippets features, there's no need to type the same URLs or responses over and over.
Use the Clipboard History to locate any text, image or file you copied earlier and paste it again.
Create your own snippets and type a short abbreviation to auto-expand them into a full text snippet, saving yourself hours of typing in the long run!

Extend and Automate
With Alfred's Powerpack, use immensely powerful workflows to perform tasks more efficiently and cut down on repetitive manual tasks.
Link hotkeys, keywords and actions together to create your own workflows; There's no need to write a single line of code to create a workflow. Import workflows from the thousands our community of creators have shared.

Control Your Music
You're the boss. Boost your productivity by controlling your Mac using Alfred's deep integration with OS X. Swiftly take action on files and contacts, control your music player and dispatch System commands.
Add some fun to your day; Turn your iPhone or iPad into a command centre for your Mac with Alfred Remote for iOS.
Alternatively, take a look at the many workflows for other music services like Spotify.

What's New:

Alfred 4.0.7 pre-release
Build 1126

  • Fix Workflow List Filter intial loading of icons in configuration sheet
  • Work around potential macOS Catalina address book caching issue in Alfred's contact viewer

Version 4.0.6:

  • iTunes Mini Player
  • Update Music API Parser in Catalina to include remote music
  • Momentarily hide Mini Player in transition between indexing and player views for first reindex in a session, allowing macOS permission dialog to show if necessary
  • Update Rotten Tomatoes web search to use %20 instead of + for spaces
  • When saving a clipboard entry as a snippet from Alfred's clipboard viewer with ⌘S, select 'Auto expansion allowed' by default
  • Internal Search
  • Wider, more flexible word based matching for internal searches
  • If searching for a disabled workflow, and disabled workflows have been hidden in Alfred's workflow preferences, show the hidden workflows so workflow can be selected
  • If searching for a hidden remote page, and hidden remote pages have been hidden in Alfred's remote preferences, show the hidden pages so the page can be selected
  • Show 'disabled' or 'hidden' in subtext of relevant internal searches
  • Add ?diagnostics as shortcut to Diagnostics… button in Help preferences
  • Fix 'Try Searching the Preferences' text in help tab for earlier versions of macOS
  • Tweaks to the 'Rebuild macOS Metadata' in Alfred's Advanced preferences
  • Update help text to inform about .Spotlight-V100 folder, and Terminal needing Full Disk Access
  • Fix .Spotlight-V100 folder location in macOS Catalina
  • Work around Catalina bug in popup menu for custom workflow object colour selection
  • Update 'Waiting for results…' text to 'Waiting for results from macOS…' for the rare occasion when Alfred is waiting on file search results

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